Item Curation Key Concepts
Data curation in Data Connect is the process of collecting information about items from different sources and making sure this information is accurate and complete. The goal is to improve the quality of the data so that it can be used reliably in various systems, like electronic health records (EHR) and electronic medical records (EMR).
During curation, the data is enhanced and standardized by adding any missing attributes and correcting inaccurate information. After curation, the data lives in the GHX catalog and can be accessed through APIs by your organization's ERP system.
This means the data is constantly updated to make sure it's as accurate and useful as possible. For example, some data, like the GUDID data, is updated daily.
An item needs to be curated in order for GHX to make item recommendations.
You can choose to manually select items for expedited curation in Curate Me.